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We Believe in Doing What's Right

We partner with people who are dedicated to doing the right thing—never cutting corners, and always looking for ways to improve. Discover why we’re the trusted source of high-quality protein for families across the country.


Grass Is Greener

Pasture-Raised Beef

Pasture-Raised, 100% Grass-Fed

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    Never given antibiotics or added hormones ever

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    Never confined to a feedlot

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    Diet consists of grass and forage

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    Certified Humane Grass-Fed Beef

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    Cattle are born, raised, and harvested in Australia. Meat is cut and packaged in the US.

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    Source of omega-3's, vitamins, and minerals

Pasture-Raised, Grain-Finished

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    Never given antibiotics or added hormones ever

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    Never confined to a feedlot

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    Diet consists of grass, forage, and grain.

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    Certified Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P. Step 4)

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    Product of USA

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    Source of omega-3's, vitamins, and minerals

Our cattle are humanely raised, never confined to a feedlot, are able to roam freely and behave naturally on pasture. This roaming can function as a natural fertilizer and benefit soil and water health.We verify these production practices by certifying our products through third-party animal welfare organizations such as Certified Humane and Global Animal Partnership.We source our 100% grass-fed beef from Australia where the climate and pasture are ideal for raising 100% grass-fed cattle.We source our grain-finished beef from ranchers across the Midwest, USA.

Taking a Stand

Pork Raised Crate-Free

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    Certified Humane or Global Animal Partnership Certified

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    All vegetarian feed*

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    Never given antibiotics or added hormones ever

We believe in better from the ground up—and that means reducing slatted floors and eliminating gestation crates and farrowing crates for hogs. Our hogs are raised on pastures or in hoop barns, with their natural tendencies, safety, and comfort in mind.Many of our pork products are sourced from pigs with heritage-breed lineage. These breeds include (but are not limited to) Duroc, Berkshire, and Chester White. Their natural, “old-world” genetics mean that during their slow maturation process, they develop the fine marbling and great marbling that mother nature intended them to have.Our hogs are fed an all-vegetarian diet and are raised with traditional, sustainable farming methods.
*Except milk proteins
sourcing chicken

Opening Doors

Animal Welfare Certified Chicken

Free-Range Organic

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    USDA Certified Organic (with Certified Organic feed)

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    Global Animal Partnership Step 3 (GAP 3) certified

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    No antibiotics or added hormones ever*

Pasture-Raised Heirloom

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    Heirloom breed

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    Better Chicken Project Verified (with Non-GMO Project verified feed)

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    Global Animal Partnership Step 4 (GAP 4) certified

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    No antibiotics or added hormones ever*

We offer two types of chicken: free-range organic, and pasture-raised heirloom. Our free-range organic chickens have a GAP 3 certification, which means they meet all the criteria needed for GAP 1, 2, and 3. Our pasture-raised heirloom chickens have a GAP 4 certification, which means they meet all the criteria for GAP 1, 2, 3, and 4. 
  • GAP 1: No cages, no crates, no crowding. Chickens live in a stationary housing structure, are provided space to express natural behavior and are given access to added enrichments.
  • GAP 2: Everything in GAP 1 + Enriched environment. Chickens live in an indoor environment with at least two different types of added enrichments as well as natural light.
  • GAP 3: Everything in GAP 1 & 2 + Outdoor access. Chickens have seasonal outdoor access, more space requirements (in and out), and outdoor shade and enrichments.
  • GAP 4: Everything GAP 1-3 + Pasture Raised.  Chickens have daily access to pasture with a minimum of 50% vegetative cover and are specialty breeds for outdoor production.
*Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones or steroids in poultry
man and fish


Sustainably Harvested and Responsibly Farmed Seafood


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    Never given antibiotics or added hormones ever 

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    Sustainably Harvested 

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    Certified Responsible Fisheries Management or Marine Stewardship Council 

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    Product of USA or Canada 

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    No artificial coloring or additives 

Responsibly Farmed

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    Never given antibiotics or added hormones ever 

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    Responsibly Farmed 

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    Certified Aquaculture Stewardship Council or Best Aquaculture Practices 

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    Product of Norway 

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    No artificial coloring or additives 

Our seafood is sustainably harvested or responsibly farmed. Our wild-caught seafood spends their entire life in the ocean where they can exhibit their natural behaviors. Our farm-raised seafood is raised with room to swim and is raised in a way that minimizes impact on the environment.  Fishermen uphold strict sustainable harvesting practices to ensure long-term sustainability of wild fish stocks and the overall ocean ecosystem. Practices include careful monitoring and management of wild fish stock numbers, environmental monitoring of the ocean environment, and using certain equipment to minimize environmental impact.   We verify these sustainable production practices by certifying our products through third-party organizations such as Responsibly Fisheries Management, Marine Stewardship Council, Aquaculture Stewardship Council, and Best Aquaculture Practices.  We source a wide range of wild-caught seafood options sustainably harvested from oceans bordering North America. 
  • Our wild caught salmon, cod, halibut and sablefish are sustainably harvested from Gulf of Alaksa and Bering Sea, Alaska. 
  • Our wild-caught scallops are sustainably harvested from Georges Bank, Massachusetts.  
  • Our wild caught shrimp is sustainably harvested from the Gulf of Mexico, Louisiana. 
  • Our wild-caught lobster is sustainably harvested from Atlantic Ocean, Canada. 
We source our farm-raised salmon from a family-owned salmon farm on Kvaroy Island, Norway.  


Humanely Raised Turkey

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    Never given antibiotics or added hormones ever*

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    Humanely Raised

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    Certified Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P. Step 2)

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    Product of the USA

Turkeys are raised in enriched environments, allowing them to behave naturally. This includes room to move, sunlight, fresh bedding, and toys such as ramps and xylophones to promote curiosity.    We verify these production practices by certifying our products through third-party animal welfare organizations such as Global Animal Partnership.  We source our turkeys from a multi-generational farm in Pennsylvania, USA. This farm grows their own fresh feed including grains, corns, and soybeans. 
*Federal regulations do not permit the use of hormones in poultry
bison in field


100% Grass-fed Bison

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    100% grass-fed

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    Certified Humane

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    Never given antibiotics or added hormones ever*

Our bison are humanely raised, 100% grass-fed, and sourced here in the United States, where they are free to roam on over 100 square miles of grassy prairie throughout their entire lives.Often referred to in North America as buffalo, our bison are raised using sustainable and regenerative grazing practices.What is meant by sustainable and regenerative grazing practices?This references the practice of building soil health and grazing in a way that supports human, animal, and environmental health, food system resilience, farm profitability, and benefit for the community.The bison we send you graze on natural organic pastures with:
  • No herbicides or pesticides
  • No GMOS – ever
They eat mixed tall grass and shortgrass prairie along with clean water and non-GMO wild pastures to ensure high-quality, delicious tasting meat and happy, healthy bison.
*Federal regulations do not permit the use of growth hormones or artificial stimulants when raising bison


Trusted Partners and Fair Labor Practices

We believe in better every step of the way. That includes working with people we trust at meat processing facilities with the highest standards for quality.

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    Trusting our partners

Our partners' operating methods are inspired by Dr. Temple Grandin, a member of the Humane Farm Animal Care Program's scientific committee. Their facilities are routinely inspected and approved by the USDA or a comparable agency.

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    Honoring our team

We believe in fair labor practices. In line with our family and community values, we seek partners who treat their employees as part of a team—and we’re ever thankful for that team. The folks in our facilities make up a crucial part of our supply chain. Without them, keeping food on our members’ tables would be impossible.

sourcing chicken
man and fish
bison in field

We're Better Together

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